As a result of successfully implemented pilot - trainings within the project "TowaRd market-based skills for sustAINable Energy Efficient - TRAINEE", on September 17th 2019, at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia were awarded certificates for designing and installing systems using energy from renewable energy sources (RES) in buildings.
The purpose of the training on designing and installing RES energy use systems in buildings was to continuously improve the skills of civil engineers (installers) and engineers (designers) in building energy efficient buildings.
The total duration of the trainings was 80 hours of instruction, 30% of the lessons were intended for theoretical instruction, 60% of the lessons were organized as practical and on-the-ground instruction, and 10% for knowledge evaluation.
The event was opened by Ms. Jadranka Arizankovska, Project coordinator of TRAINE Project, and Senior Advisor at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, welcomed the participants and emphasized the main objectives of the Project which was to improve the skills of civil engineers - architects, engineers and engineers.
Mr. Risto Janevski, PhD, President of the Energy Association of Macedonia within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, pointed out that the need for trained and certified staff in the field of RES energy use is imminent and according to the provisions of the revised Directive on Renewable Energy Sources 2018/2001/EU.
Member’s states should provide schemes for certification or equivalent qualification schemes for installers available for boilers and stoves for biomass, solar photovoltaic and thermal systems, shallow geothermal systems and heat pumps. These schemes may take into account existing schemes and structures as appropriate, and based on the criteria set out in the Annex of the IV of the Directive.
Each Member State shall recognize the certificate awarded by other Member States in accordance with those criteria. Member States shall ensure that certification schemes or equivalent qualification schemes for installers are made available to the public. Member States should also publish publicly the list of installers who are qualified or authorized in accordance with the preceding paragraph, - added Janevski.
Ms. Hristina Spasevska, PhD professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies at the University (FEIT) - "Ss. Cyril and Methodius”- Skopje, and partner in the Trainee project, emphasized that this is a serious training where the teaching was practiced on photo thermal models and photovoltaic systems. Licensed software was used at the trainings where participants had a rare opportunity to familiarize themselves with the basics of designing and performing specific project tasks.
The trainings were organized into 2 separate module and 2 qualification levels:
Module 1: Designing and installing a solar thermal collector systems, two levels: for professionals (installers) and engineers (designers) and
Module 2: Design and installation of photovoltaic systems on two levels: for workers (installers) and engineers (designers).
Of the total of 129 registered participants, 115 attended the trainings and 72 of them successfully passed the final exam, from which 49 were engineers and 23 were technicians/installers.