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Regulatory Framework - Qualifications

Download policy and guidance documents relating to adults education

#Document titleDescriptionLink
1Law on adult education
2Adult education strategy 2018-2022
3Education strategy 2018-2025
4Manual for verification of special programs for adults education
5Education Strategy for 2018-2025 and Action Plan
6Strategic plan of the Bureau for Development of Education, 2020-2022
7Law of vocational education and training, 2008, 2013 and 2019
8Technical VET Concept Paper, 2017
9National Strategy for Employment of Republic of North Macedonia, 2016-2020
10Operational plan for active programs and measures for employment and services in the labour market for 2020

More information can be found on website of Adult Education Centar

Project partners
KomorskiZnak CMYK Noemvri2012 WEB  logo kreacija mk  feit logo cov logo oficijalno en inzhenerska institucija na makedonija web  bim academy spain