The building design, construction, maintenance and operation are part of the whole life cycle of buildings, and they involve activities of different professional disciplines (architects, civil engineers, technicians, material designers, installers, maintenance managers etc.). Therefore, governing this whole process needs multidisciplinary approach and collaboration among different professions.
Based on the practices across EU for introduction and use of BIM tool for digitalisation of construction industry, the second action will involve variety of steps in order to increase the readiness of Macedonian construction sector for adoption of BIM. Therefore the project will involve partners from EU member states with confirmed excellence in the BIM issues at EU level. The proposed activities will address raising levels of awareness, promoting BIM to all relevant stakeholders and especially to contracting authorities in order to initiate action of creating national attitude about the level of adoption of BIM, especially in terms of following EU directive in mandating BIM on public sector projects.
Project activities in this area are:
Task 3.1 Survey about penetration and acceptance of BIM practice
Task 3.2 Implementation of wide promotion and education campaign among construction companies, investors and decision makers
Task 3.3 Developing proposal for national Roadmap for introduction of BIM and selecting most adequate open BIM tools
Task 3.4 Organizing training for BIM professionals by internationally accredited provider
The project will enable training for 50 BIM professionals. The trainings will be governed and organised by BIM Academy as experienced institution for BIM trainings. The trainings will be optionally organised for different profiles, in order to cover the whole life cycle of the construction process (designers, developers, technicians, engineers, owners and public administration). Four different training programes will be developed:
- BIM for practicioners: engineers, architects and technicians (40 training hours);
- BIM for decision makers, market, owners -shorter training (15 training hours);
- BIM for builders and contractors (40 training hours);
- BIM for industry and manufacturers (15 training hours)
For the BIM trainings, training material will be developed. It will be available as e-learning material.
Training for the developed programes will be organised as follows:
- For program No1. – 20 trainees
- For program No2. – 10 trainees (on-line training)
- For program No3. – 10 trainees
- For program No4. – 10 trainees (on-line training)
The initiation of design of BIM courses in higher education system is also target activity, especially in terms of sustainability and replication.
Task 3.5 Development of on-line tool “Knowledge Hub”
Knowledge hub will be consists of two main on-line tools:
- Performance gap – Causes and solutions
This on-line tool will be used for sharing knowledge about causes and solutions to the performance gap between companies, R&D university institutes and government institution and ministries for decision making process, research or quality control.
It will be divided into different sections that will be discovered through explored through expert interviews with key stakeholders involved in the design, construction or operation.
- Free online platform will be developed for gathering data and practices. Participants can share and publish building energy consumption data anonymously. It will enable designers/home owners to compare predicted (exp. from energy performance certificates) and actual energy use (if they have built or live in such) with similar, whilst also allowing for comparison of Energy Performance Indicators (EnPls)against benchmark sand data supplied by other participating practices for similar buildings. Gathering of the data will be done by questionnaires.
Task 3.6 Piloting BIM software through case study to assess the energy performance gap